The Joy of Tables On Cows
Wow! This takes me back! Please check the date this post was authored, as it may no longer be relevant in a modern context.
On June 12th MooTools 1.2 was released, to great rejoicing. It’s a release that really sets MooTools apart with better Fx, more browser compatibility effort, and a jaw dropping element storage feature. That means it’s time to update the table sort script I’ve blogged here before (The Joy of a Minimal, Complete Javascript Table Sort and The Joy of an Optimized, Complete Javascript Table Sort). This release does more than just port, and also adds a few features:
- Sorts more out of the box:
- strings
- numbers
- decimal currency (12.34, 4.50)
- dates (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-M-D)
- relative dates (1 day ago, 38 years ago)
- disk memory (1.75 MB, 34 KB, 8 TB)
- Passes the matcher into the conversion_function for re-use.
- Classes set for forward and reverse sorting th tags.
- A “don’t sort” class.
- It’s on github!
- Integration with the brand new pagination library.
Oh yeah, and that. There’s now a pagination library supporting all the same things like expanding rows. It’ll do multiple pagination link areas and drop offset and cut-off numbers into the DOM. Let’s take a look.
The Old: Reviewing SortingTable
SortingTable doesn’t need any wonky DOM rewrite, that’s one of it’s best perks. Just use a thead and tbody, and make proper use of th.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="sort_this">
<th>a header</th>
<td>a value
<td>another value</td>
To sort this table you could use the most simplistic of initializations:
new SortingTable( 'sort_this' );
These are the default settings that are assumed:
new SortingTable( 'sort_table', {
zebra: true, // Stripe the table, also on initialize
paginator: false, // Pass a paginator object
dont_sort_class: 'nosort', // Class name on th's that don't sort
forward_sort_class: 'forward_sort', // Class applied to forward sort th's
reverse_sort_class: 'reverse_sort' // Class applied to reverse sort th's
So if you wanted to not sort a given column, just add class=“nosort” and it’ll be ignored. You could also change that to any other class. The same goes for the classes forward_sort and reverse_sort.
The passing of conversion_matcher into the conversion_function makes it more DRY to use regex on a td for sort. Take a look at the date sorter:
{ matcher: /(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})/,
conversion_function: function( row ) {
var cell = $(row.row.getElementsByTagName('td')[this.sort_column]).get('text');
cell = this.conversion_matcher.exec( cell );
return new Date(parseInt(cell[1]), parseInt(cell[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(cell[3], 10));
We get to re-use that regex right in the conversion_function.
That’s it for incremental changes to SortingTable. PaginatingTable is the thing to introduce.
The New: Introducing PaginatingTable
To paginate a table you’ll need to add one DOM element:
<ul id="sort_table_pagination"></ul>
And then paginating the simple table provided above would look like:
new PaginatingTable( 'sort_table', 'sort_table_pagination' );
That’s the simplest way to go. A more complex pagination might involve two paginators as well as displaying offsets and cutoffs.
<ul id="sort_table_pagination"></ul>
Now showing items <span id="offset"></span> - <span id="cutoff"></span>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="sort_this">
<th>a header</th>
<td>a value
<td>another value</td>
<ul id="sort_table_bottom_pagination"></ul>
To start this up:
new PaginatingTable( 'sort_table', ['sort_table_pagination', 'sort_table_bottom_pagination'], {
per_page: 3, // Only 3 items per page, please
current_page: 2, // Start on page 2
offset_el: 'offset', // Use this id for offset numbers
cutoff_el: 'cutoff' // And this id for cutoffs
Swank. This will paginate, but you don’t get any sorting or zebra striping. That’s still tied to SortingTable, and you’ll need to use them together.
PaginatingTable also provides update_pages on a given instance- so if you add rows to a table you can have the pagination update itself.
Will It Blend? SortingTable and PaginatingTable Together
SortingTable will accept a PaginatingTable object and use it to reset to the first page when you sort. Just pass it in:
new SortingTable( 'sort_table', {
paginator: new PaginatingTable( 'sort_table', 'sort_table_pagination' )
If you have expanding rows, you’ll need to tell both SortingTable and PaginatingTable about it:
new SortingTable( 'sort_table', {
details: true
paginator: new PaginatingTable( 'sort_table', 'sort_table_pagination', { details: true } )
You can check out the example to see this in action, and get the javascript from github. A big thanks to all the people that wrote conversion functions and made tweaks to this script, and kept it crawling from an example into a more capable library. Enjoy!